The Book of Revelation


The Book of Revelation, part of the Christian New Testament, is a prophetic text revealing the events leading to the end time. The last book of the New Testament in the Christian Bible, it is generally believed to have been written around the late first century AD, specifically around 95 AD. It's traditionally attributed to John of Patmos, a figure often equated with John the Apostle, though this attribution remains a topic of scholarly debate. The dating is primarily based on historical and textual analysis, including references to events and conditions of the late first century Roman Empire.

Text of the Book

Read the full text of the Book of Revelations in Modern English.

Animated Video Overviews

Watch animated overviews of the Book of Revelations on YouTube:
Part 1
Part 2

Evangelical Interpretation by Greg Laurie

American Christianity's intersection with movement conservatism and the issue of disinformation presents a complex and increasingly relevant topic in the contemporary social and political landscape of the United States. The rise of movement conservatism in the latter half of the 20th century, marked by the emergence of the Religious Right and organizations like the Moral Majority, saw a significant segment of American Christianity aligning closely with conservative political ideologies. This alignment often emphasized traditional values, individual liberties, and a certain interpretation of Christian ethics as central to the national identity.

However, this confluence has also been accompanied by challenges, notably the spread of disinformation. In an era dominated by digital media and social networks, misinformation and disinformation have become potent tools, sometimes used to influence public opinion and political decision-making. Within some Christian conservative circles, there has been a tendency to engage with and disseminate certain narratives that align with their ideological viewpoints, occasionally without rigorous verification of facts. This phenomenon has been observed in various contentious issues, ranging from climate change and COVID-19 to electoral politics.

The interplay of faith, political ideology, and the susceptibility to disinformation raises important questions about the role of religious institutions and leaders in fostering critical thinking and discernment among their followers. It underscores the need for a balanced approach that respects deeply held religious and moral convictions while also promoting a commitment to truth and factual integrity. This balance is crucial for ensuring that the influential role of American Christianity in shaping public discourse and policy remains a force for constructive and informed engagement in the American nation's democratic processes.

What results from all this?

An evangelical interpretation of the Book of Revelation by Greg Laurie here.